How do you make a beer dispensing technology that cleans lines, reduces waste and gets rid of chemicals, sexy and straightforward to a publican?
More concerned with rising energy costs, changing drinking habits and customers stealing their pint glasses (2 million were pocketed last year alone by sticky-fingered Brits), we had to cut through the noise and connect with publicans on their terms. We had to demonstrate that investing in SmartDispense isn’t just worthwhile, it’s essential. Because a crap pint means complaints, unhappy customers and lost revenue.
If I say “famous barman on TV”, who do you think of? Moe from The Simpsons? Merlin from First Dates? Come on, we’re all thinking of Grant Mitchell from Eastenders. Mr Kemp had subsequently found fame creating hard-hitting documentaries visiting inmate prisons in Ross Kemp Behind Bars. So, we didn’t even have to think of a clever name for the campaign. Cheers!
Reinventing the ex-Eastenders barman and British icon as the hero of the real Great British Boozer, we created a three-part social-first mini-series that blurred the lines between documentary, entertainment and advertising. The series saw Ross infiltrate pubs using SmartDispense to expose their “secret weapon” for better beer.
We made a complicated system of pipes and refrigeration technology called SmartDispense make sense to the landlord of our local, The Owl & Pussycat.
Instead of worrying about how they keep the lights on, we got pub owners excited about how keeping their beer lines clean saves them mega £££££s. As well as the 100+ pieces of coverage and 3m+ social impressions, we generated 22k of click-throughs to SmartDispense, with £500k+ of new sales.
Publicans sat up, took notice, and acted. Ross Kemp Behind Bars didn’t just promote SmartDispense. It proved that B2B comms can break the mold, inspire action, and make a real impact.